
Moral Perspective in Papua New Guinea

  Introduction: Identifying Moral Issues Morality is seen in many aspects in Papua New Guinea as breaking down of human rules. Morality is the breaking down of human behaviors evident in the rates of gender-based violence, corruption, and an unaccountable political leadership. These issues have eroded the trust in the government and other institutions in Papua New Guinea.   Many people have are not respecting themselves and others of their lives. Young people are into the habit of drinking home brew beer which causes lots of unrest in the community. Some of these young people are too young to consume drinking beer. Underage drinking home brewed beer is very common in Papua New Guinea.   Another factor that contributes towards bed moral behavior is the consumption of marijuana smoke. In the Highlands of Papua New Guinea the marijuana drug can grow wildly. The highlander can smoke at any time whenever they feel like. Today the marijuana drug is trafficking from th...

Attracting Tourist Sites in Papua New Guinea

 Attractive Sites to Visit in Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea is one of the undiscovered paradises on the earth. There are secrets to explore deep into Papua New Guinea. Some places to visit while in Papua New Guinea are: Papua New Guinea — Attractions Kokoda Trail The Kokoda Trail, also known as the Kokoda Track, is a world-famous route that runs from Port Moresby in the south to Owens Corner (then Kokoda Village) in the north. ... Mount Wilhelm ... The Rainforest Habitat ... Moitaka Wildlife Sanctuary ... Port Moresby Botanical Gardens ... Kokopo War and Culture Museum ... Mount Balbi East Sepik Cultural Haus Tambaran along the Sepik River Beautiful islands in Madang Province. There are lots more places to visit while in Papua New Guinea. Watch the attached movie to get insights of these places. Written by Norbert Wamsi (MEd, BEd, Dip) Banz. Jiwaka Province.

Computer Training Programs in Papua New Guinea

  Many young people in Papua New Guinea must be trained in how to work with computer. Today in Papua New Guinea various business organizations are moving into the digital age. Therefore, many young people must be trained to learn and work with computers at home and in business.

Teaching and Learning Experience in Papua New Guinea

Teaching is a servant job and reflects sympathy, sincerity, patient, and dedication. It has lots of fun when you love what you are doing as a teacher inside the classroom and outside of classroom.  Watch out this short movie of me when encounter with adult students.

Curriculum Review Study at Yauwe Moses Secondary High School

Contents Divine Word University i Curriculum Coordinator’s Performance Review Study at Yauwe Moses Secondary High School-Case Study in Simbu Province. i Chapter One: Introducing the study iii Chapter Two: Literature review and Methodology in Used iv Chapter Three: Data analysis, interpretation and Conclusion vi Chapter One: Introducing the study   1.1 Introduction This study is set out to explore evaluative case study of curriculum implementation and coordination at Yauwe Moses Secondary High School in Chimbu Province.   It is structured as chapter one is the introduction. In chapter one I will discuss the purpose of this study, the limitations and delimitations involve in this study and finally the summary of this chapter.  In chapter three I will present the literature review and the conclusions and recommendations to support this research discussion on the study of educational leadership of Yauwe Moses Secondary School in Simbu Provin...

Administrative Responsibilities of PILAT

  This essay book contains the written work of Norbert Wamsi who studied for the master's degree in education. It is the student work presentation. You may read for pleasure. Chapter One: Introducing the study   1.1 Introduction   This assignment reflects the educational leadership of Pacific Institute of Linguistics Arts and Translation (PILAT), its leader’s performances and responsibilities of the administration, and how various leaders play their administrative roles of academic training program achievements to fulfil its main objectives. PILAT’s main focus is to train as many national translators as possible of Summer Institute of Linguistics (SILPNG) and PNG Bible Translation Association (PNGBTA) to acquire skills necessary to do better of their vernacular Bible translation work here in PNG.   This paper is structured as chapter one is the introduction. In chapter one I will discuss the purpose of this paper, the limitations and delimitations involve in ...