Moral Perspective in Papua New Guinea
Introduction: Identifying Moral Issues
Morality is seen in many aspects in Papua New Guinea as
breaking down of human rules. Morality is the breaking down of human behaviors
evident in the rates of gender-based violence, corruption, and an unaccountable
political leadership. These issues have eroded the trust in the government and
other institutions in Papua New Guinea.
Many people have are not respecting themselves and others of
their lives. Young people are into the habit of drinking home brew beer which
causes lots of unrest in the community. Some of these young people are too
young to consume drinking beer. Underage drinking home brewed beer is very
common in Papua New Guinea.
Another factor that contributes towards bed moral behavior
is the consumption of marijuana smoke. In the Highlands of Papua New Guinea the
marijuana drug can grow wildly. The highlander can smoke at any time whenever
they feel like. Today the marijuana drug is trafficking from the highlands to
the coastal provinces. Many young people from the coast they smoke drug like mad man without thinking about the side effects of human life and health.
Wife bashing is one of the frequent moral issues where we have
in Papua New Guinea where there is no respect for women. Man is using their
wives as their tool to play around with. They can act cowardly to their wives
to the way they feel like. These have brought down to the table of addressing
this issue at the wider level as soon as possible. Law enforcement in Papua New
Guinea is weak as ever.
Principles of Morality in Defined
Morality is the quality of being accord with standard of
right or good conduct or a system of idea that fall in to those same
categories. Recognition of the distinction between good and evil or between
right and wrong, respect for and obedience to the result of right conduct, the
mantel deposition or characteristics of behavior in manner intend to produce
morally good result. We often here words about religious morality or the phrase
Christian morality in society. Item that fall in to the morality sound category
are quality like good, goodness, rightness, virtue and righteousness. When talking
about a moral quality involving a course or action, we think of athics.To find
morality, a person will use the rule or habits with regard to right and wrong
he or she followed. It is a complex system of general principle and particular
judgment based on culture, religious and philosophical concepts and beliefs,
Culture and or group regulate and generalized these concepts, thus regulating behavior.
When someone conform to the codification, you concede this person to be moral.
And yet, the nation of how we ought to behave and the reality of how we behave are varied and real morality behaves in accordance with one's perception
of moral often doctrine or moral duties that support the quality of an action
which render its good is moral. And so, the system of standard use to produce
honest, decent, and ethics result are considered moral which should be followed. The word carried the concept of moral standard, with regard to behavior, moral responsibility, and referring to our conscience, and identity, or one who is capable of right or wrong action. The common synonyms include ethics, principle virtue and goodness. Morality has become a complication issue in the multi-culture word we
live in today. And so, let’s explore the morality is, how it affects our behavior,
our conscience, our society and our ultimate destiny.
Human Moral Behavior
Moral describes the principle that govern our behavior. And
with this out these principle in place society cannot survive for long. In today world, morality is frequently thought of us belonging to a particular
religious point of view but by definition we see that this is not a case.
Everyone adheres to a moral doctrine of same kind. Moral as it relates to our
behavior is important on three levels. Renowed think scholar and author C.S Lewise defined them as:(1) To ensure fair play and hominy between individual:(2) To help make
us good people in order to have good society:(3) To keep us in good
relationship with the power that create us. Base on this definition it’s clear that our believe is critical to our
moral behaviors. The morality behavior of people is critical, because majority of
the world population are believed in GOD, or at least in a god, the question of creation, as the theory of origins, is definite hotly debate in today society. Everyday decision, and the choice is a directed by conscience. Again, we
must decide for our self where the conscience originates. Many people hold to idea that the conscience is a matter for
our heart, that concepts of right or wrong, and fairness are “programmed "in each
of us. This is in keeping with writing of Paul the apostle, who print out that
event those who do not believe in GOD frequently.
Summary of Moral Encounters in Papua
New Guinea
A recent report in psychology today concludes; the most may
be religious commitment. People who consider them self every religious where
least likely to report declaring their friend, having extra morality affairs, cheating on their expense accounts, or even parking illegally. Based on
this finding, what we believe about the creation has a decide effect on our moral
thinking and our behavior. And so, without believe in creation, the only option
that seems to be is not moral standard we make up for our self. Until and
unless we live in a dictatorial society, we are free to choose our own personal moral codes. Base on this definition it’s clear that our believe are critical to our behaviors. And different philosopher set a social rule, customs traditions believe, or practice which specify proper
acceptable form of conduct, and also a set of personal guiding nation of how to behave, heather respectable or not. They also advise us about proper acceptable
form of conduct. And also, mental disposition or characteristics of behavior in a manner indention
to produce morally good result. Morality has become complicated issue in the
multicultural world we live in today. And many people hold to the idea that the conscience is matter for our heart, that concept of right wrong, and fairness are “programmed "in each of us. This is keeping writing of the apostle who print out that even those
who do not believe in GOD frequently. The different philosophy and also apostle which they come up with
different doctrine idea or rules that relate to our behavior is important, and some time they come up with same idea in which people are not really know how
decide what is effect on our moral thinking and our behavior. Base on this definition we discuss about the right and wrong which in human characteristics
or behavior hoe people act on this earth to produce morally good result in
their society we must choose our own moral code we live in today society. The
moral is become a very complicated in todays life which is how the people
behave in there dearly life to survive.They are keeping their behaviors which
they adopt in todays life style or society to carry on for there way how they behaves.
They do not know what is right and wrong for the sake of different philosopher
doctrines which introduce issue behavior people are just acceptable to act on
that as there life style or their behaviors to produce good moral behavior
results.The moral behavior of people is very critical now are days in the world
to our moral behavior in different concept or course involving to conceder the
moral quality of and action of the belief and trancefare to our behavior.And
moral is talk about fair play and harmony and also help us good people inoder
to have good people or society aswell.It can also make people stay together in
good relationship with the power of the creator. Moral is most describing the principle
of our behavior.
Written by Norbert Wamsi
(Lecture presentation notes-PNGCTTI-Jiwaka Province)
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