
Website Design Training at PNGCTTI

  Introductory Chapter PNG Computech Training Institution has various training programs to train young man and woman in Papua New Guinea. Website design is one of the training programs we offer that students studying for the Computer Science training programs can study. We will further explore few content facts that can help students to understand website design course in details further. Chapter1: Introduction and Definition Web design encompasses many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites. The different areas of web design include web graphic design; user interface design (UI design); authoring, including standardised code and proprietary software; user experience design (UX design); and search engine optimization. Often many individuals will work in teams covering different aspects of the design process, although some designers will cover them all.[1] The term "web design" is normally used to describe the design process relati...

Know About Windows Operating System

  Windows Operating System-Learning and talking through the basics. CHAPTER 1: 1.1 INTRODUCTION This topic is set out to evaluate the study of introduction to computer. It is structure as chapter one is introduction. In chapter two I will discuss the Historical development, in chapter three is the Period of Awareness including chapter four is the Introduction of Component and Finally chapter five is the summary of all chapters. 1.2 DEFINITION OF TERMS Computer is an electronic device operates under the control of programs stored in its own memory unit. A computer is an electronic machine that processes raw data to give information output. An electronic device that to accepts data as input, and transforms it under influence of special instructions called Programs to produce the desired output referred to as information. 1.3 EXPLAINATIONS A computer has an internal memory, which stores & instructions temporarily awaiting processing, and even holds the intermed...

Computech Training Institution Daily Interactions

 The attached are some of our daily interactions. You will experience when enrolled through us. See our energetic young man and women in learning experiences. Mr.Wamsi lecturing students. Student at work. Computer training mentors   2nd graduation day of PNGCTTI 2019,   Students enjoying sitting outside college at recess.

Learn Basics About Microsoft Access Database

       Learning about Microsoft Access: Database Database is like creating the container for a database by filling in tables (known as populating a database) that it starts to serve a purpose. As you add forms, queries, and reports, it becomes a useful tool. If you customize it by adding a start-up page and organizing the various objects into categories and groups, it moves into the realm of being a database application .   Not every database has to be refined to the point that it can be classified as an application. Databases that only you or a few experienced database users will work with can remain fairly simple. But if you expect someone without database knowledge to enter data or generate their own reports, spending a little extra time in the beginning to create a solid foundation will save a lot of work later. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself continually repairing damaged files or walking people through seemingly easy tasks.   Microsoft Access ...

Learn Linux Operating System

  Learn Linux Operating System   Linux is a family of free and open-source software operating systems based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, by Linus Torvalds. And also, Linux is a command line interface, used by most large, powerful computers and it is very popular and very easy to find information and get help. It is very staple - computers running Linux almost never crash. It’s very efficient which can smoothly manage extremely huge amounts of data. Most new bioinformatics software is created for Linux - it’s easy for the programmers.   Linux Operating System (OS) is a resource manager. It takes the form of a set of software routines that allow users and application programs to access system resources (e.g. the CPU, memory, disks, modems, printers’ network cards etc.) in safe, efficient and abstract way. Linux is a layered operating system. Its innermost layer is the hardware that provides the services f...

Learning Networking Course

  Learning Concept about Computer Networking   Networking is a combination of smallest to the largest computers and devices that electronically connected together (wired or wireless). Internet is mainly used by Web browsers that retrieve web page information from a server. It is a collection of intranet that communicates with each other. The internet (with a capital”I”) is a collection of public Web sites. The term “internet” is the largest internet, encompassing all publicly available computer networks.   To be more familiar and understandable with networking. Here are some terms that associated with networking: Domain – A group of computer and devices connected to a central server, allowing the group to be managed as a single unit. E-mail – A means of sending electronic messages from one computer to another over the Internet or other network. An e-mail may contain data other than text, such as image and music files. FTP – Acronym for File Transfer Proto...